
Split/peeled 100 g

1/2 sliced onion

3 chopped tomatoes

1  sliced bell pepper

1/2 scotch bonnet

1 chopped carrot

pince of salt

pince of seasoning

Tomatoe/garlic paste 

1 egg (optional)

Moi moi cake is a delectable Nigerian dish made from beans and vegetables. Traditionally, it is steamed in banana leaves and served as either a side dish or a snack. Preparing moi moi cake is quite straightforward, and it can be done in a few easy steps.

Firstly, soak your split or peeled beans for at least two hours. These beans are available for purchase on our website. Then, finely chop the carrots, onions, tomatoes, scotch bonnet, and peppers.

Next, blend the beans in a blender or food processor until smooth, adding a little water if necessary to facilitate the blending process.

Once blended, transfer the bean and vegetable paste into a mixing bowl. Incorporate some tomato paste, garlic paste, and seasonings according to your preference. Stir the mixture thoroughly.

Lightly oil a cake tin or baking dish, then pour the bean and vegetable mixture into it.

Bake in the oven at gas mark 180 for approximately 20 minutes. To check for doneness, insert a toothpick or knife into the cake; if it comes out clean, your moi moi cake is ready to enjoy.

Mama Garri - Moi moi cake

Let the cake cool for a few minutes before slicing and serving. 

Savor your delightful moi moi cake as a side dish or the main course, accompanied by ogi (Pap) or soaked garri.