Our news

Dive into the vibrant world of West African foods, promotions, events and more!
The power of Tomatoes
Fruit and vegetables 
Why its important to wash fruit and vegetables 
Hot Chilli Peppers
Popularity of eating chilli peppers 
The Great Jolloof Rice
Jollof rice is a beloved West African dish
Red, White and Yellow onions
Mama Garri Lentils
Lentils, one of the oldest and healthiest grains 
Rich and vibrant
West African cultures
Yellow and Green plantain
Understanding Plantains
Yellow and Green plantain
Your African cooking starts here!
Yellow and Green plantain
African cooking starts from home, try our recipes
Yellow and Green plantain
Beans at it's best

Yellow and Green plantain
The importance of adding more Vegetables to your diet


What is Abula
What is Poundo Yam
Mama Garri - Egusi
What is Egusi
How to make jolloof rice
How to make Jolloof Rice
How to make red pepper stew
Mama Garri culture

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Mama Garri - Competition
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30-01-25 (Closing date)

Click here to fill in the form to enter our competition by 30 January 2025. Answer the 2 questions correctly.
Winner will be announced on our website by 2 February 2025.

Mama Garri - Competition
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A place where you get all your garri, beans and flour (yam flour, pounded yam and plantain yam) products.

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